Plaka Forest

West from the airport on the way to Kefalos in a natural valley there is the Plaka Forest one of the most impressive resources of nature. This park is an attraction for many lovers of nature and shelter for more samples of the fauna of Kos.

Plaka Forest is a tranquil place to visit when the heat of the day becomes to intense. You can find Plaka off from the Kefalos road. If you are driving from Kos Town, you pass two roundabouts before the airport. At both of them, keep straight on and head towards Kefalos. You will pass the airport on your left hand side. Soon after, the road will bend to the left, on the right hand side is a small blue and white church with a sign for Plaka just before it. Be aware of this road, when we went it had many pot holes, but keep following it and you come to a small bridge, the road continues on and comes out further along the Kefalos road.

In the Forest you will undoubtedly come across the many peacocks, these are used to visitors and will approach you looking for food!

There are areas were you can picnic with bench tables provided. There are also BBQ facilities, these can be used but please be aware of fire warnings during the summer when these facilities should not be used.

A great place to visit and a quite unexpected delight !


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